Friday, 29 July 2016

oh dear oh dear

ah haha

hmmm. Well I haven't done the Miracle Morning since that first and only magical time. Why?? There are a couple of reasons.

1) My daughter often gets into bed with me in the night, and when I get up in the morning, she wakes up and wants to get up too. I really don't want her getting up at 5:30am! So I stay in bed for her benefit (ahem)

2) I have been having late nights, and now we are on summer holidays the routine is shot and I don't *have* to get up for anything. I prefer to get up when I wake up, which is usually around 6:30am, rather than with an alarm. The thing is, the family are also up by then.

So, even though I loved doing the miracle morning, I haven't been able to bring myself to get up at half 5. Boo to me.

In order to rectify this, I have been making sure I read at some point during the day, and that I have been doing exercise of some sort. So yesterday morning we went up Crickley Hill for an hour, and today we walked to the park. I haven't done my visualizations or my affirmations though, so I need to be doing that.
I took this photo while we were up there:

The Universe has been good to me!! I had a fabulous night out last night for my sister's birthday - all my family were there and there was excellent live music. All I had eaten all day was fruit and veg, and at the restaurant I had a salad. My tummy felt so much nicer and less bloated last night is was great.

While we were there, my 4th client sent me a message confirming that she wanted to work with me, then I had an email with an enquiry from a potential 5th client! I only started advertising about 5 weeks ago, and was told by everyone in the profession to be patient because it takes around a year to start getting clients. I told my husband that I wanted 5, and that the money from that, added to the money I make in my paid counselling job and my Etsy shop, would mean I was earning around the same amount as when I was teaching. And low and behold!! The Universe is providing for me yet again!!

I have also had sales on Etsy every day, and I had a surprise pay packet that I didn't think I was getting until next month, so I paid off some of my credit card, feeling confident that I could afford to, and that I would not be short of money as a result - the Universe will provide for me.

That's not to say I don't work for it. I do. I don't just sit there and expect money to float down into my lap. I work on my Etsy shop, I work on my Social Media. I work on getting my name out there, and I work hard providing a good service to the people who pay me; be it customers or clients. I am working on my Stress Management business by watching the recorded webinars which make up the first part of the course and making notes of the ideas I have and the things we need to do. I also work hard at being a good mum and wife, I try to make home cooked meals from scratch using organic ingredients to keep my family healthy. So; the Universe doesn't reward me for slacking, I know that much :-)

I have also changed my mind (I know, I know, we shouldn't do that) about the car I want - I have decided to go for the BMW X3 for now. The reason being, my husband wants to set up his own business as an upholsterer and furniture restorer, so we originally felt that we needed a big car to enable him to to do this when the time is right. However, the time isn't now, and I don't need a big car like that at the moment. I have decided that the trigger point for this will be when I get a job in a school.

As part of the work I do for my paid counselling job, occasionally there is the opportunity to get a contract for one day a week working in a school (whereas at the moment I travel from school to school or meeting place to see clients) which means a salary rather than being paid for each individual client. Also, I would be able to see 5 clients a day, rather than 4 (so more money). Also, there is no travelling around, which is very appealing!! I like my job, I like working with teenagers, but to have that fixed income wold mean the security I need to feel confident in getting a loan to get a car.
Of course - maybe the Stress Management course will take off before then and I will be able to buy one outright within a couple of months :-) :-)

Anyway - that's enough for tonight. I will keep things going and you never know, I might do the Miracle Morning again before September...

I'll let you know if I do :-)

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