Sunday, 21 August 2016

sunday evening - weekly round up! 14/8/16

Well, once again I haven't written daily, but to be honest it would be pretty dull I have decided.

What I will say, though, is that I am feeling so much happier and relaxed about things, and I do actually trust that the Universe will provide for me.

For example, my husband has bought a tent as he wants us to be able to go camping and to just go off somewhere on a whim. So we decided to go to the Isle of Wight (we love it there), and I said I would pay for the campsite. I didn't worry about it; I didn't fret about spending the money - I felt completely relaxed about it. It cost £83, and the next day I sold a typewriter on Etsy for £80. Thank you Universe!

It's bigger than this, but I like this photo!

Funnily enough, today is the first day I haven't had a sale on Etsy for weeks. I will trust that things will pick up again soon, and I may get a sale yet!

I am working hard on my businesses and feel really pleased with what I'm learning and accomplishing. In terms of the stress management, we haven't made any money yet, because we are still learning, but I feel that when we are finally ready to launch ourselves we will succeed brilliantly!

I have been given permission by a very well known and successful motivational speaker to use one of his videos in our training day, which I'm really pleased about. I have also been given a free copy of a book on launching your online business by the author and business coach Robin Waite which I am looking forward to reading - thanks Robin!

I am also buzzing with ideas for passive income etc, my energy levels are high and I'm happier than I've ever been. I'm so lucky to have started on this path to self discovery.

Last night my husband and I went to a party and he took my favourite bottle of wine from the fridge instead of the one I had bought to take to the party. I was really annoyed until I decided to let it go and enjoy the company and the evening. I'm pretty sure the old me would have been annoyed for a lot longer and much more viscerally than I was, and I'm really grateful for that. It is such a small thing, but I was looking forward to that wine tonight, and I don't know if the other will be as nice (I bought Chardonnay for the party, whereas I like Pinot Grigio). It sounds like a small thing, and it is, but things like that used to really irritate and frustrate me.

My husband is also more on board with this way of thinking too - because of the way I talk about it I think. He says 'When you are earning loads of money...' not 'If you are earning loads of money...' he plans to retire at 50. I don't!! I can't imagine not striving for something, creating something, earning money, being someone, helping people and making a difference. I will ensure I have time for my family though, I don't like the thought of being a workaholic or someone who never sees their children. That's not me.

We have also decided to get a cleaner!! I'm so excited by that; I really don't like cleaning and I feel my time is better spent elsewhere. I am actually surprised I haven't had one before, I could easily have afforded one when I was a teacher, and it would have been so helpful; but that was when I used to clutch my money tight to my chest and constantly feel that we didn't have any. I used to resist the idea of paying someone to do something I can do myself. Now I just think 'I deserve to relax at the weekend, instead of looking around the house and thinking 'gah! There's so much to do!!'

I have gone down to 3 clients in my private practice, 2 of which I feel fairly confident will come for a while yet and one of which I have yet to meet, so I don't know. I'm disappointed that I have had 4 others that only came once or twice, but that's part and parcel of the service we provide. It's to be expected really. Still, I am hopeful that the Universe will provide me with more before too long :-)

pictures from

Monday, 8 August 2016

It's been a while...

Well. I know it has been a few days, and this was supposed to be a daily thing...

Seems that at the moment I am not doing what I wanted to regarding the Miracle Morning and keeping up with this. Maybe if the pressure of people reading it and expecting it to come would make things different, but being as that's not the case I am slacking!!

But I won't be so hard on myself; this wasn't supposed to be a chore, it is simply charting my journey of self discovery! I am just going to go with the flow.

So, in terms of the SAVERS that are supposed to be done as part of the Miracle Morning, ere is how I'm doing:

I am taking the time to sit in silence more often, whether it's drinking my morning cup of tea outside, or waiting for the children to sleep. I could be doing it more though.

I am doing my affirmations most evenings but not every morning. I repeat my 'I intend to manifest £800,000 by my birthday in 2020' affirmation as often as I can, because it is through that one that I feel I will manifest the others.

I visualise my future home and car frequently, but I think I now need to visualise successful meetings and delivery of the stress management course; that will be really helpful.

I am not doing anywhere near enough exercise so this is what I need to work on most.

I am reading lots and am learning loads, particularly counselling books. I am also listening to the training videos daily and am gaining new knowledge about sales and marketing every day, thanks to Carie Lyndene.

And scribing (writing) - well this blog is the writing bit really - but I am also writing down all the ideas I have for the tress Management business in the future. Who knew I was such an ideas person?

And today I was called ambitious by my husband which is something I have never considered myself to be before, but I definitely am. I have realised the reason I have never been ambitious is because I never wanted any responsibility as a teacher; I never wanted to be Head or even Deputy or Assistant Head. I took my dislike for the job I was doing as lack of ambition, but I was wrong!

I feel that the Universe is still being good to me, and I am grateful for almost everything but I feel I am being ungrateful for the Etsy sales that keep arriving. I have had a least one a day now for weeks, which is brilliant, and the money is really needed, but I feel like I'm being ungrateful because I almost sigh when I see an order that will be hard to ship, rather than being glad of the money. I feel bad - but sending items takes so much longer than you realise. It takes ages to find a box the right size; then bubble wrap it all; then find and print off the most reasonably priced postage. I'm not kidding, it takes around 2.5 hours to package a weeks worth of sales. I will try to be grateful rather than defeated: that's another goal for this week.

Me on a Wednesday:

I had an exciting day on Friday (well - I was excited). I go to a networking group called Laptop Friday (you don't need to take a laptop) and there's a lady there I think I have mentioned before called The Dream Job Coach and I recommended her to someone I know because I thought she could help. When I saw her on Friday, she said he'd signed up with her (which I was very pleased about in itself) and then bought my smoothie and asked me to tell her which vouchers I wanted as my referral gift!! I had no idea about that so I was really happy - and I have some Next vouchers winging their way to me :-)

Then I was talking to a man called Nigel about what I do and told him about the Stress Management course and he asked if we would go and do a half hour presentation at his Business Kitchen. I said we would love to! That's our first opportunity to get in front of people and tell them what we do. I'm looking forward to it :-)

After that I went to my friend Sarah's toy shop Toys to Grow to buy my niece a present, and I made an effort to do that because usually I would just go Toys R Us as it's easier, but I have decided I am going to be the person who supports the people I know in their small businesses. That's important and I'm annoyed with myself for not doing it before. It starts now!

I'm still very happy and excited about life and I am sure it's just going to get better and better! This is only the beginning...

Images courtesy of Pixabay